5 Ways To Make Your Men Stay Longer In Bed

As long as some us resort to quickies in this fast-paced lifestyle, the art of love-making is supposed to be lengthier than a quick 5-minutes session to enjoy and cherish it with your partner. There are various reasons and situations to cut-short the span of an intercourse. One of them might be your partner and/or the situations he is in. To help him last longer in bed, here are 5 ways you can use.

Observe, Learn And Understand

You partner might be going through some stressful situations at his workplace. This directly affects his personal and sexual life. Also, there are certain sexual fears that your partner might have but is not very open about them. Observe, learn and understand these situations and make him realize that you are supportive about any of his situations.

Set The Right Ambience For The Act

You know when and what he wants. And even if you don

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